Jump into the lives of the men and woman taking part in one of the most dangerous jobs – the modern logger. Both the logging crew and camera crew put their life on the line, as we capture every fallen tree, the tackling of a “widow maker” and all the stress that makes a lumberjack 30 times more likely to die on the job than the average American. The men and women willing to take on that kind of risk, make up a rare and colorful cast of unique characters.
We will follow these loggers every step of the way. Accidents are plentiful as they are an accepted, and expected, part of the job. Access to the trees is often by barely car-wide, dirt, logging roads with little room, which becomes extremely small when a 30-ton-logging truck is suddenly barreling towards you. And if you do reach camp, there are no safe jobs – from flying trees and massive machines, to lose chainsaws and lacks of concentration, everyone’s life is at risk.
To these men and women, the job is about passion. It takes courage, insanity and an obsession for…The Cut.